観光ビザ 申請用紙 https://fijiembassy.jp/wp-content/uploads/visa_form.pdf

就労ビザ 申請用紙 http://www.immigration.gov.fj/images/pdfs/permit-to-work-form.pdf

学生ビザ ↓

  1. Application form (attached);
  2. Medical form (attached);
  3. Police Report (attached) if applicant is 18 years and over
  4. Passport biodata page;
  5. Acceptance letter from the College/ School in Fiji;
  6. Letter of consent from Parent;
  7. Letter of undertaking to Fiji Immigration;
  8. Student certificate of bank balance;
  9. Certificate of family registration;
  10. Return Itinerary
  11. Application fee of JPY38,000/ applicant
Application for a Permit to Study or Research