Off-Shore Vehicle Inspection Requirement for Used Vehicles from Japan by the Fiji Government

The Japan Export Vehicle Inspection Centre (JEVIC), on the 15th of June was appointed, by the Fiji Land Transport Authority (LTA), as the official Offshore Vehicle Inspector, tasked with “appraising vehicle conditions and ensuring some set standards in the quality of second-hand vehicles” imported into Fiji from Japan.

The appointment, through competitive international tender, comes following consultations by the relevant authorities and agencies in Fiji.  This was in response to complaints and issues raised by stakeholders with regards to the quality of used vehicles brought into the country.

This appointment means that “beginning from 15th August 2016, no used vehicle imported from Japan will be allowed to enter Fiji, unless inspected and certified by JEVIC prior to shipping.

The inspection in Japan will begin from 15th July 2016.



For more information see the JEVIC link –

Fiji LTA Notice –


Fiji Government Tender

 Fiji Government Tender

The Government of Fiji’s Procurement Office under the Ministry of Finance is currently extending its invitation to overseas companies to bid for Government Tenders. This exercise is aimed at attracting vendors with quality products and excellent services that will boost competition within our local market.

For further information and to view current tenders please click

Public Notice – Registration of Skilled Professionals ACT 2016


FET Advocacy Seminar on Post TC.Winston Relief & Rebuilding, Damage and Needs Assessment – assisted by the SPF of Japan

The Sasakawa Peace Foundation [SPF] together with the Embassy of the Republic of Fiji in Japan held an Advocacy Seminar in Tokyo on Tuesday, 12 April 2016, to provide information of the damage assessments post TC Winston and identify the priority areas of the Fiji Government for assistance. Senior Government politicians, government officials, members of the local diplomatic corp, representatives of business sector, representatives of Non-Government Organizations, academia, interested individuals and friends of Fiji in Japan attended the seminar. Over 70 people attended the seminar.


 Ambassador Isikeli Mataitoga giving the opening remarks


The seminar started with the opening remarks from Ambassador Isikeli Mataitoga providing an overview of the damaged sustained and potential areas of assistance that Japan may support. This was followed by remarks from the Honorable Mr. Fukushiro Nukaga MP, Chairman of the Japan/Fiji Parliamentary Friendship League on the role they will play in supporting Fiji’s effort rebuild a better Fiji in the aftermath of TC Winston.


Hon. Mr Fukushiro Nukaga MP providing some remarks

The seminar then heard a detail presentation from Mrs Julia Korovou [Counsellor] on the government’s efforts during the relief and now into the beginning of the rebuilding stage post TC Winston. The detail damage cost estimates by sectors were provided to participants. The two recent government initiatives on “Help for Home” and “Adopt A School” were also explained to the participants and they were challenged to support the efforts of the Fijian Government in rebuilding a better and more resilient Fiji, having learnt the lessons from TC Winston.

The seminar provided an opportunity for Ambassador Mataitoga to express the Fiji Government’s deep appreciation to all those governments, organization and individuals for their generous assistance thus far. He also noted that Fiji is looking to the Japanese Government for special expertise and funding support during the rebuilding phase based on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.


Presentation by Counsellor Julia Korovou

The seminar is the second stage of the Fiji Embassy efforts to raise funds for relief and rehabilitation work in Fiji. The first phase involved the opening of a bank account with a local Japanese Bank in early March coinciding with the Ambassador writing to targeted recipients including Mayor of municipalities, Governors of several Prefectural Governments that have close collaboration with Fiji, business leaders and individuals, requesting financial donation towards the Fund Appeal for TC Winston Relief and Rehabilitation.


The lively Q&A Session with the Ambassador Mataitoga

Fiji Embassy, Tokyo

13 April 2016


Fiji’s Adopt A School Program – A Government Initiative in the Aftermath of Cyclone Winston

See link —-> Adopt A School



See link for updates —–>     TC Winston Brief – 29th Feb


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Attorney General, Hon.Kaiyum inspects cyclone affected areas and helps out with the distribution of relief supplies.


Residents severely affected by Tropical Cyclone Winston in the north-west of VitiLevu have received desperately needed relief supplies during a three day tour of the region by the Attorney-General, Hon Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum.

The AG fanned out across a wide area with two other Government ministers – the Minister for Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation. Hon. Rosy Akbar, and the Minister for Local Government, Housing and Environment, Infrastructure and Transport, Hon Parveen Kumar.

They distributed a large portion of the 10,000 food packs that have been donated to the cyclone relief effort by two of Fiji’s biggest companies – CJ Patel and Punja and Sons. They also began the distribution of a large number of kitchen utensils donated by R.C Manubhai.

Ration relief distribution - Naqelewai 2

Disaster relief teams preparing supplies for distribution

The AG’s tour took in cyclone-ravaged areas of Raviravi, Karavi and Yalalevu, (Ba) on Friday, Korobuya, Nabutini, Busabusa and Veisaru (Ba) and Korovou (Tavua) on Saturday, and Nadhari, and Navia (Ba) on Sunday.

In addition, Minister Akbar visitedMaruru, Yalalevu, Clopcott ,Nukulua, Vatuvui and Sarava. And Minister Kumar visited Veisaru, Veitiyaka, Qerelevu, Nakavika, Nabatolu, Itatoko, Korovutu and Navoli.

It was the first time many of those affected by Cyclone Winston had received any form of assistance since it cut a swathe through the region a week ago. And residents expressed their relief and thanks to the AG and the two other Minsters.

An emotional Teja Singh, who is a 71-year-old farmer in the Raviravi area of Ba, said he had lost all his belongings in the cyclone and was very grateful to have finally received some assistance.

“No-one has visited us until now and I am very happy to see you”, he told the AG, “ I have lived here all my life but have nothing left. All my possessions are gone and my sugar cane has been damaged. We desperately need help so thank you for coming with this food”, he said.

Another resident, Naushad Ali, said that of all the cyclones in his lifetime, Winston was the worst.“ It is the first time that I have seen a cyclone cause so much damage. Everything is still wet and our things are ruined. Please help us,” he pleaded.

Vijayanti Mala also warmly thanked the AG for the assistance he had brought and said it meant a great deal to her and her family.
MIT - TCW 12
“Our roof blew away and nothing much is left. We all desperately need help. My son is getting married soon but my kitchen has been damaged. How am I going to prepare for the wedding?”, she asked.

The AG said all Fijians must stay united as the relief effort continues and help each other through the challenge of the coming weeks and months.

“ It is critical that we all come together as a nation at this time. It is the only way we are going to put this tragedy behind us quickly. Many of the people we were able to help are Fijians who had fallen through the cracks of the relief effort so far. We have to keep improving the delivery of food water and adequate shelter. We cannot leave anyone behind. So I appeal to everyone to highlight areas of acute need so that the Government can step in and provide prompt assistance”, he said.

CJ Patel has donated 5000 food packs valued at $232,000 and Punja and Sons another 5000 valued at $129,000 to assist the relief effort. R.C Manubhai have donated kitchen utensils to the value of $15,000 and mattresses and roofing supplies worth another $20,000.

The AG warmly thanked all three companies for their contribution to alleviating the plight of cyclone victims.

“Fijian companies are responding magnificently to our call for assistance and I want to pay tribute to CJ Patel,Punja and Sons, R.C Manubhai and all those other companies who are being exemplary corporate citizens by supporting their fellow Fijians in this crisis”, he said.

Ration relief distribution - Naqelewai

Youths of Naqelewai welcome and help out with the cyclone relief supplies distribution teams

Ration relief distribution - Naqelewai 3
Source – Fiji Government Media Centre