Tenders, Job Vacancies, Notices etc.
Opportunities in Fiji’s Agriculture Sector, Investment Webinar Session- Tuesday, 15 September 2020
/in EMBASSY NEWS, INFORMATION, NOTICES /by Kelera RakavosaTo register for this webinar, please click on the link below:
Once your registration is successfully completed, each participant will be sent a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
For more information regarding the webinar, please send your queries to info@fijiembassy.jp

Latest Travel Advisory for Fiji Citizen(s)/ Fiji Residents(s)/ Other Permit Holder(s) Intending to Travel to Fiji
/in EMBASSY NEWS, FIJI NEWS, INFORMATION, NOTICES /by Kelera RakavosaThe Fijian government through the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) has issued the latest upgraded travel requirements relating to Fiji Citizen(s), Fiji Resident(s)/ Other Permit Holder(s) intending to travel to Fiji with immediate effect. The new test requirements include the format of the COVID – 19 test result that everyone traveling to Fiji has to adhere to. MHMS have requested that the following new procedures be implemented:
i. The Fiji Citizen(s)/ Fiji Residents(s)/ Other Permit Holder(s) must produce a recent negative COVID-19 RT-PCR or Cepheid GeneXpert (Xpert® Xpress SARS-CoV-2) test (for a nasopharyngeal sample taken not more than 72 hours before departure) following which approval will be granted to depart for Fiji.
ii. The test result must be in the form of the complete report from the laboratory that performed the test – on the laboratory letterhead. ( example attached)
iii. The Fiji Citizen(s)/ Fiji Residents(s)/ Other Permit Holder(s) with symptoms prior to boarding at port of departure will not be permitted to board the plane.
iv. All Fiji Citizen(s)/ Fiji Residents(s)/ Other Permit Holder(s) must undergo temperature and symptom check upon arrival at the airport. If symptoms are present a nasopharyngeal swab sample will be collected for a COVID-19 RT-PCR test at the cost of sponsor or individual returnee. The MHMS protocol for dealing with suspected cases will be applied. If the test is positive, he or she must remain in isolation under the care of MHMS but if the test is negative, he or she will be released to complete the mandatory quarantine in the designated Government quarantine facility. Attached below id the format of the report that Fijian authorities will be requiring all intending travellers to bring to Fiji.
v. The Fiji Citizen(s)/ Fiji Residents(s)/ Other Permit Holder(s) will be transferred from the airport to Government quarantine facility for a mandatory 14-days quarantine in a vehicle, driven by a local driver who will not come in contact with the principals and will wear Personal Protective equipment (PPE).
vi. The vehicle will be escorted by Republic of the Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) personnel from the airport to the Government quarantine facility at the cost of the sponsor or individual returnee.
vii. The 14 day quarantine period at the Government quarantine facility will be under the constant supervision of the RFMF and MHMS.
viii. While Fiji Citizen(s)/ Fiji Residents(s)/ Other Permit Holder(s) is/are in the Government quarantine facility, they must adhere to all quarantine requirements. MHMS officials will conduct regular temperature and symptom checks. If symptoms are present a nasopharyngeal swab sample will be collected for a COVID-19 RT-PCR test at the cost of sponsor or individual returnee. The MHMS protocol for dealing with suspected cases will be applied. If the test is positive, he or she must remain in isolation under the care of MHMS but if the test is negative he or she will be released to complete the mandatory quarantine.
ix. If the Fiji Citizen(s)/ Fiji Residents(s)/ Other Permit Holder(s) remain asymptomatic a nasopharyngeal swab collected at the end of the quarantine period for a COVID-19 RT-PCR test at the cost of the sponsor or the individual returnee. A negative test result will be required before release from quarantine. The sponsor or the individual returnee will meet all the cost associated to quarantine for which they must directly liaise with Government quarantine facility.
x. The MHMS will make the final determination to release the Fiji Citizen(s)/ Fiji Residents(s)/ Other Permit Holder(s) from quarantine.
Suva City Council – Expression of Interest (Public Private Partnership) – Development of Former “Raiwaqa Market Property”
/in EMBASSY NEWS, INFORMATION, NOTICES /by Kelera RakavosaQuarantine Requirements for Foreigners and Fijian Nationals Entering Fiji – Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS)
/in EMBASSY NEWS, FIJI NEWS, INFORMATION, NOTICES /by Kelera RakavosaCOVID-19 test requirement
Documented proof of a negative Covid-19 test is required for all foreign nationals seeking to enter Fiji. Fijian citizens departing countries determined as a high risk for COVID-19 may also need to be tested before departure.
Approved COVID-19 tests
Acceptable tests for COVID-19 are quantitative RT-PCR or Cepheid GeneXpert (Xpert® Xpress SARS-CoV-2). Note that other rapid point of care RT PCR, or antigen/ antibody tests are not accepted. A nasopharyngeal sample must be the sample tested.
Timing of test
The sample must be collected for testing at most 72hrs (3 days) before departure for Fiji. For example: if you are residing in country A and are booked to begin your travel to Fiji on a plane leaving on Friday July 24th – you need to have your nasopharyngeal sample taken for testing at earliest on Tuesday July 21st. In this case the result of a sample collected before Tuesday July 21st is not acceptable.
Format of test result
The negative test result must be in the form of an official result from the laboratory that conducted the test. This result should include the following information:
The laboratory letter head and laboratory contact details, patient details, type of sample collected, date of sample collection, date test was conducted, type of test conducted, lab sample number, and name of lab supervisor/staff signing off on the result.
Symptom and temperature screening
All travellers entering Fiji must undergo a temperature and symptom check by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) officials upon arrival at the port of entry. If symptoms of COVID-19 are present a nasopharyngeal swab sample will be collected for a COVID-19 RT-PCR test at the cost of the traveller (if not a Fijian citizen) and the MHMS protocol for suspected cases will be applied. If the test is positive, he or she must remain in isolation under the care of MHMS but if the test is negative he or she will be released to complete the mandatory 14-day quarantine.
Mandatory 14 day quarantine
All travellers into Fiji will be required to complete supervised quarantine for 14 days.
Quarantine for travellers arriving by air
Quarantine will be for at least 14 days in a government designated quarantine facility (hotels) under the direct supervision for the MHMS and Republic of Fiji Military Forces. Fijian citizens are not charged for meals, accommodation, or testing associated with quarantine.
Regular symptom and temperature screening during quarantine
MHMS officials will conduct regular temperature and symptom checks. If symptoms of COVID-19 are present a nasopharyngeal swab sample will be collected for a COVID-19 RT-PCR test at the cost of the traveller (if not a Fijian citizen). The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) protocol for suspected cases will be applied. If the test is positive, he or she must remain in isolation under the care of MHMS but if the test is negative he or she will be released to complete the mandatory 14 day quarantine.
End of quarantine COVID-19 test
If the traveller remains asymptomatic during quarantine- a nasopharyngeal swab sample collected for a COVID-19 RT-PCR test with a negative test result required before release from quarantine. The cost of the test will be borne by the traveller (if not a Fijian citizen).
Announcement: Updating of Fijian Diaspora List – Japan
/in INFORMATION, NOTICES /by Kelera RakavosaDear Friends of Fiji,
Ni Sa Bula Vinaka.
The Fiji Embassy in Tokyo is in the process of updating its diaspora contact details of Fijian Nationals currently residing in Japan. As such, you are kindly requested to email the following information’s to Mr Ashneel Shankar, Second Secretary on ashneel.shankar@fijiembassy.jp
i) Full Name:
ii) Occupation:
iii) Residential Address (Region/ Prefecture):
iv) Email Address:
v) Phone Contact:
vi) Fijian Passport Number and Expiry Date: and
vii) Contact Details of Close Family Member(s) in Fiji:
Your usual support is highly appreciated.
Vinaka Vakalevu.
ADVISORY: Fiji Airways Flight from Narita-Nadi – Saturday, 25 April 2020
/in EMBASSY NEWS, FIJI NEWS, INFORMATION, NOTICES /by Kelera RakavosaFiji Airways has confirmed that there will be a flight from Narita to Nadi on Saturday, 25 April 2020. Interested individuals can book tickets online at www.fijiairways.com or by calling the airline’s Reservation Center on +679 672 0888 or +679 330 4388.
Please note that individuals who are Fijian Passport holders, Fijian Citizenship Certificate holders and/or Fijian Residential Certificate holders, will only be considered for this flight.
Furthermore, as a precautionary measure in-light of COVID-19 and as per the directives of the Fijian Government, all travelers entering Fiji will be required to undertake compulsory self-quarantine of 28 days upon arrival.
/in EMBASSY NEWS, FIJI NEWS, MEDIA RELEASE, NOTICES /by Kelera RakavosaPrime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama has announced a cabinet reshuffle effective from this evening.
The Prime Minister will add the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to his existing portfolios.
The Honourable Inia Seruiratu will now serve as the Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and the Minister for Disaster Management. He will continue to lead the Ministry of Defence and National Security, which has now been re-named to the Ministry of Defence, National Security and Policing.
The Honourable Jone Usamate will continue to serve as the Minister for Infrastructure and Meteorological Services and will now also serve as the Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources.
The Honourable Faiyaz Koya will be the Minister for Commerce, Trade and Tourism, formerly known as the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism. He will also serve as the Minister for Transport.
The Honourable Premila Kumar will continue to serve as the Minister for Local Government and the Minister for Housing and Community Development.
The Honourable Dr Mahendra Reddy will continue to serve as the Minister for Agriculture and the Minister for Waterways and Environment.
Honourable Vijay Nath and Honourable Jale Sigarara will serve as the assistant ministers for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management.
Honourable Viam Pillay will serve as the Assistant Minister for Agriculture, Waterways and Environment.
Announcement to Fiji Airways Reserve List Passengers (Narita/Nadi Flight) – Tuesday, 24 March 2020
/in INFORMATION, NOTICES /by Kelera RakavosaBula Vinaka.
The Fiji Embassy in Tokyo is in the process of compiling details of Fiji Nationals residing in Japan who had booked their flight to Fiji via Fiji Airways, however due to the cancellation of flights amidst COVID-19, have been listed on Fiji Airways reserve list.
If you have already paid/booked/reserved your tickets to either fly from Narita to Nadi in the month of March or April, you are kindly requested to email Mr Ashneel Shankar, Second Secretary on the following (email: ashneel.shankar@fijiembassy.jp) with a copy of your travel itinerary no later than by 2pm on Thursday, 26 March 2020.
Your usual support is highly appreciated.