Consultations with Mr. Hiroshi Matsumoto, Director of Business Development of the Mana Island Resort & Spa, Fiji

(l-r) Mr Matsumoto and Ambassador Mataitoga
The Director of Business Development for MANA Island Resort & Spa, Fiji held consultations with the Ambassador, HE Mr Isikeli Mataitoga on Monday 8th December 2014, to discuss tourism promotional cooperation as lead up to the direct flights in early 2016.
It was informed that Mr Matsumoto will also hold consultation with Japan`s Ambassador to Fiji, HE Mr Takuji Hanatani on how they can increase Japanese tourists to Fiji. Following Ambassador`s advice, Mr Matsumoto noted that he will also discuss with Fiji`s Tourism Minister, the Honorable Mr Faiyaaz Koya on the direct flights and 2015 charter flights cooperation with Travel Agents such as JTB and ST World. However, a concern raised is that unpopular charter flights may affect Fiji Airways consideration for 2016 direct flights.
Mr Matsumoto advised that Japan is a matured market compared to other Asian markets, and that many young Japanese are travelling a lot nowadays and MANA is seeing this as an opportunity. For instance, MANA will conduct a major renovation in January 2015, and their investment for internal scholarship of $FJ20-30,000FJ a year towards their staff training programme. He also mentioned on the Pure Fiji advices which he will convey to HCG Moriya, stressing that it is very important to note on the Japanese Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, together with regulations and costly procedural requirements at the time of importation. Pure Fiji is looking for Japanese Spa products distributor for their world-famous range of natural beauty products.
The Ambassador also noted that following the Sunday, 14 December 2014 election, the Embassy will once again approach relevant personnel including MOFA Economic Affairs Bureau, Director-General to discuss on the above. He also assured Mr Matsumoto that the Embassy remains consistent in its assistance towards him and the MANA Island Resort & Spa, Fiji.