Entries by Kelera Rakavosa

Fiji Embassy Tokyo (FET) – Navuso Agricultural and Vocational Training Institute (NAVTI) “Twin Cab” Project Appeal Fund

The Fiji Embassy in Tokyo has today launched its FET-NAVTI “Twin Cab” Project Appeal to raise funds for the Navuso Agricultural and Vocational Training Institute (NAVTI), which desperately need a twin cab for academic purposes. Located in Navuso, Naitasiri, Fiji, NAVTI provides training to about 80 less advantaged youths. Its aim is to empower youths […]

Toward the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai

On 10th February 2015, Ms. Margareta Wahlström, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Disaster Risk Reduction, and HE Mr. Kenichi Suganuma, Ambassador in Charge of the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, conducted a presentation on the logistic arrangement and the collaborated services and efforts provided by the host country, Japan and […]

Japan’s new Development Cooperation Charter

On 10th February 2015, Japan’s new Development Cooperation Charter was approved by the Cabinet. On the same day, a presentation on the approved Charter was convened at the Nippon Press Building  by Mr. Ken Okaniwa, Deputy Director-General of the International Cooperation Bureau and Deputy Press Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to explain about […]

Tokyo Sevens 2015

On Wednesday 4 February 2015, JRFU Liaison Officer Ms Amy Matsuo visited the Embassy to provide an update on the upcoming Tokyo Sevens 2015. With 7s Rugby chosen as the new official Olympic sport at 2016 Rio de Janeiro, this year’s Tokyo Sevens is promised to be full of excitement and enthusiasm. 16 teams will […]

“Introducing Fijian Made Products” to International Value Exchange Forum (IVEF) Members, Tokyo

On Thursday, 29 January 2015, the Fiji Embassy Tokyo conducted a seminar on “Introducing Fijian Made Products” to a group of International Value Exchange Forum (IVEF) members at the Shoko Kaikan building in Tokyo. This seminar focused on food products, which provided an opportunity for the Embassy to introduce four of the leading companies in Fiji […]

Meeting with the Director Oceania Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tokyo

HE Ambassador Isikeli Mataitoga on Monday, 19th January 2015 convened his first meeting for the year with his counterpart at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tokyo, Mr. Yukihiro WADA, Director, Oceania Division. The Ambassador thanked Mr. Wada for the opportunity to discuss bilateral matters that would enhance and deepen Fiji – Japan relation. He informed […]

Fiji Seminar at Matsue Daiyon Junior High School

On Thursday, 18 December 2014, the Embassy conducted a Fiji Seminar at the Matsue Daiyon Junior High School day event in Tokyo. As part of their international studies, about 170 Year One students attended the seminar, with the purpose of learning about a different culture, tradition, history, people, lifestyle and its relation with Japan. The Embassy made an […]

Meeting with Director Japan Pacific Islands Centre (PIC)

HE Ambassador Isikeli Mataitoga convened a meeting with Mr. Kazuyoshi OGAWA, the Director for Pacific Islands Centre (PIC) Japan and his Deputy Director Mr. Kurosaki on Wednesday, 14th January at FET. The meeting purposed to discuss Japan’s development interventions pertinent to the region’s sustainable development including respective island states’ priorities. The Ambassador underlined that the […]