Meeting with the Deputy Director-General of the International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tokyo

HE Ambassador Isikeli Mataitoga on Thursday 5th March 2015 held a meeting with Mr. Ken Okaniwa, Deputy Director-General of the International Cooperation Bureau and Deputy Press Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the MOFA Tokyo.

At the outset Ambassador thanked Mr. Okaniwa for the opportunity to discuss bilateral matters that would enhance and deepen Fiji-Japan relation. He informed of the new Japanese Development Cooperation Charter which was approved by the Cabinet on 10th February 2015, and further advised that this is the first time that the Oceania Region and SIDS has been specifically stated in a Japanese Government ODA statement.

The meeting agenda underscored three specific issues in the context of the new Charter:

  • South/South Cooperation in Human Resources in specialized areas of priority in Fiji;
  • Capacity Building Development Assistance for First Response to Natural Disaster Rehabilitation work; and
  • Business support and initial development risk support for Japanese SMEs wishing to do business in Fiji.

Also in charge of promoting sports, Mr Okaniwa discussed of the 2019 Rugby World Cup, stressing how strong the Fijian rugby team is. Ambassador further mentioned of his prefectural visits throughout Japan and indicated Fiji’s willingness for deepening its people-to-people exchanges, sport diplomacy with Japan.

In conclusion Mr. Okaniwa thanked Ambassador for the insightful exchanges and expressed his wish to continue discussion on some of the bilateral concerns. The Ambassador was accompanied by SS Kelera Savu.

Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) for the PALM7

Senior Officials Meeting (SOM), a preparatory meeting for the 7th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM7) scheduled for 22 and 23 May 2015, Iwaki city, Fukushima prefecture was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building in Tokyo on Wednesday, 4th March 2015. This was followed by a reception at New Otani Hotel hosted by the Hon. Parliamentary Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Kazuyuki Nakane. The Fijian delegation was led by HE Ambassador Isikeli Mataitoga.

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Pacific Island Countries (PIC) Ambassadors Meeting


Resident Pacific Island Ambassadors in Tokyo after having their consultation meeting on Monday, 2nd March 2015 at the Embassy of Papua New Guinea, Tokyo.

Fiji Tourism Marketing Seminar To JICA Tokyo Trainees

As part of FET Outreach to various institutes and organizations throughout Japan, the Embassy conducted a Fiji Tourism & Marketing Promotion Seminar at the JICA Tokyo Training Center on Thursday 26th February 2015. About 7(seven) JICA trainees from Albania, Estonia, Kosovo, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ukraine and Montenegro and JICA Tokyo Staffs attended the 2 and a ½ hour seminar. The seminar was the joint effort of the Fiji Embassy in Tokyo and JICA Tokyo focussing on Fiji-Japan Tourism history, promotion, marketing and future prospects.


Consultations with Inter Actions Corporation (IAC)

The Director of Inter Actions Corporation (IAC), Mr Nobuo Kiji held consultations with HE Ambassador Isikeli Mataitoga on Thursday 26th February 2015, to discuss on project areas IAC is involved in and discuss possible investment cooperation.

In December 2013, PM Bainimarama commissioned the Rukua Village Solar Grid Project which was undertaken by Inter Action Corporation and the Department of Energy in Fiji. IAC also undertook a project for setting up 2000 Solar Home Units in the Solomon Islands, under the PEC program. It was informed that IAC Group is able to create sustainable circulation in the society. Further elaborating on food waste and cow dung, which can be sources of fertilizer or energy for Agriculture and Life. Renewable energy such as solar power, wind, geothermal and biomass were a few to name. IAC has also recently had an M&A with a local company in Kagoshima, Kyushu for its geo-thermal business activities, emphasizing on the food waste and cow dung.


High Level International Diplomacy in Philippine: Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar for Parliaments on Translating International Human Rights Commitments into National Realities.


Hon.Luveni Manila

Hon. Dr. Jiko Luveni, Speaker of Parliament at the Conference Main.

The Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar for Parliaments themed “Translating International Human Rights   Commitments into National Realities: the Contribution of Parliaments to the Work of the UN Human Rights Council” was held in Manila, Philippines from 26-27th February 2015. The Honourable Dr. Jiko Luveni, Speaker of the Republic of Fiji’s Parliament, attended the Conference on the invitation of the President of the Senate Office of Philippine, Honourable Mr. Franklin Drilon. She was accompanied by the Acting Deputy Secretary General, Mrs. Jeanette Emberson, and Counsellor Julia Korovou of the Fiji Embassy Tokyo, who rendered support and secretariat services. Fiji’s Honorary Consul (HC) for Philippine, Mr. Pineda Jr. was also on hand.

Madame Speaker Manila

Hon. Dr. Luveni Presiding Over Panel Session on Common Challenges regarding the human rights situation in Asia-Pacific.

The Conference’s objective was to inform participants about how the Human Rights Council functions and alert them to the importance of becoming more involved. The meeting aimed to identify good parliamentary practices in working with the Council and in promoting and protecting human rights in general, in particular, by initiating an effective and continuous dialogue with other stakeholders such as national institutions and civil society. It also aims to determine the appropriate cooperation framework among other stakeholders, in particular the executive, national human rights institutions, civil society and parliaments with a view to maximising the latter’s contribution to the promotion of human rights.

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Hon. Dr. Luveni addressing the Conference at the beginning of the Panel Session .


Madame Speaker moderated a Panel Session titled “Common Challenges regarding the human rights situation in Asia-Pacific.” The session aimed to examine how States in the region, with the help of parliaments, have been able to address some of these issues notably: ensuring the proper administration of justice; and Climate Change, environment and global warming/Climate Justice.


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Hon. Dr. Luveni with Mr. and Mrs. Pineda Jr. at dinner.





On the eve of 27th February, the Honourable Dr. Luveni along with Mrs. Emberson and Counsellor Korovou were hosted to a dinner by HC Pineda Jr. and Mrs. Pineda. Madame Speaker expressed her sincere gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Pineda Jr. for their generosity and assistance provided during the course of her Conference, and requested that her Office be informed of their Madame Speaker Manila 4visit to Fiji in June as she wishes to organise for them a tour of Fiji’s Parliament Office.


Fiji – Russia Bilateral Senior Officials Consultation

The first ever Senior Officials Meeting [SOM] at the level of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs [Permananet Secretary] took place in Suva, Fiji from 4-5 February 2015. The holding of this meeting came following the approval given during the meeting between Rear Admiral [Rtd] Josaia V. BAINIMARAMA, Prime Minister of Fiji and HE Mr. Sergey LAVROV, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in New York, USA on 27 September 2014.

The Fijian delegation was led by Mr Esala Nayasi, Acting Permannet Secretary for Foreign Affairs and assisted by HE Mr. Isikeli Mataitoga, Fiji’s Non-resident Ambassador to the Russian Federation based in Tokyo, Japan and two support staff in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Apolosi Lewaqai Acting Director, Oceania, Asia and Russia Bureau and Ms Vakaoca Kedrayate, Assistant Secretary.

The issues discussed between the parties covered three aspects of bilateral relations between Fiji and the Russian Federation. The first part was a review of projects undertaken by both countries since the historic meeting of PM Bainimarama with PM Medvedev in Moscow, Russian from 28 -30 June 2013. The second part covered areas for new cooperation and the third part focused on Fiji-Russia cooperation in the multilateral organizations such as the United Nations and related agencies.

In addition to the senior officials meetings, HE Mr Igor Morgulov also made calls on Hon Ratu Inoke Kubuabola MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Hon Mr Timoci Natuva MP, Minister for Immigration, National Security and Defence.

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HE Mr Igor Morgulov, Deputy Minister fo Foreign Affairs of Russia being greeted by Mr Esala Nayasi

HE Ambassador Isikeli Mataitoga meets with Hon. Shinako TSUCHIYA, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, Japan

On Tuesday 17 February 2015, HE Ambassador Isikeli Mataitoga paid a courtesy call on Hon. Shinako TSUCHIYA, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives at the Member of the House of Representatives Building in Nagata-cho, Tokyo.

The Ambassador thanked Hon. Tsuchiya for the opportunity to discuss bilateral matters that would enhance and deepen Fiji – Japan relation. The meeting agenda underscored high level exchanges for political leaders; Parliamentary Study Visits to Japan for the Speaker of the Fijian Parliament; rebuilding of the Japan-Fiji Friendship Parliamentary League (JFFPL) and the new ODA– Development Cooperation Charter issued early this month.

The Ambassador and Hon. Tsuchiya had a fruitful discussion on various issues of mutual interest.


HE Mr Isikeli Mataitoga and Hon. Shinako Tsuchiya


Consultations with Hotel Okura, Tokyo

The Director of Sales Department, Mr Takashi Hoshino and Sales Manager, Mr Rajesh Paul held consultations with HE Ambassador Isikeli Mataitoga on Tuesday, 17 February 2015, to discuss hotel promotional cooperation between Fiji and Okura Hotel, Tokyo.


(l-r) Mr Paul, HE Isikeli Mataitoga and Mr Hoshino


Fiji Embassy Tokyo (FET) – Navuso Agricultural and Vocational Training Institute (NAVTI) “Twin Cab” Project Appeal Fund

The Fiji Embassy in Tokyo has today launched its FET-NAVTI “Twin Cab” Project Appeal to raise funds for the Navuso Agricultural and Vocational Training Institute (NAVTI), which desperately need a twin cab for academic purposes.

Located in Navuso, Naitasiri, Fiji, NAVTI provides training to about 80 less advantaged youths. Its aim is to empower youths by providing them with agricultural vocational training so that they can earn their livelihood independently. It trains them to be replacement farmers, to treat farming as a business and to provide food security for the people of Fiji. This institute is widely recognized throughout Fiji.

The timeline of accomplishing this project is four months from now, in which the Embassy plans to purchase a twin cab for the purpose mentioned above. NAVTI also need Staff Empowerment with the latest agricultural techniques in order to boost production and maintain sustainability.

The Fiji Embassy in Tokyo is therefore appealing to Business communities, Donor agencies, Friends of Fiji and the Fiji community in Japan for financial help to assist our youths in NAVTI. We would be grateful to receive your contribution to fully or partially meet our estimated budget of JPY 3,000,000.

All contributions are kindly being requested to be deposited to:

          Name of Bank: Mizuho Bank

          Name of Branch: Kamiyacho Branch

          Account No.: 1352312  (Ordinary Account: Futsu Koza)

          Account Name: FET NAVTI Project

The Account will be closed on Tuesday 30th June 2015.


Vinaka Vakalevu. Doumo Arigato Gozaimasu.



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